CPR Training Session

NSCI Management proudly announces that the CPR training session for the sports & other club staff was successfully conducted on 28th & 29th May 2018. Sessions for club members will be held shortly.   Atul Maru Hon. Reg. Secretary


Intense Gym’s

NSCI Management proudly announces the reduced charges on the Intense Gym’s Yearly, Half Yearly & Quarterly subscriptions. Applicable for New Enrollments & Renewals due from 1st June 2018 onwards only. 1) Rs 11999/- + GST for Yearly 2) Rs 7999/- + GST for Half Yearly 3) Rs. 4999/- + GST for Quarterly 4) Kids between


MPL 2018

Dear Members get ready for the 5th Cricket Season of MPL 2018. Happening at our indoor stadium DOME on 29-30 July 2018. Open the link for more details. http://www.nscimumbai.co.in/news/SMS04052018.jpg   Atul Maru Hon. Reg. Secretary


Squash Courts

Members are hereby informed that the AC at Squash Courts will not be functional as the coil of ACs are worn out. The repair work has been initiated, however, the inconvenience caused to members is regretted. In the interim period we are installing external Cooling system at the squash courts, kindly bare with us.  


Summer Camp

NSCI organise Summer Camp at Swimming Pool starting from Monday 16th April 2018 @Rs 2000/- + Tax per member/member’s children & Rs 6000/- + Tax per member’s guest. For more details please contact swimming pool reception. Atul Maru Hon. Reg. Secretary


Summer Fiesta 2018

NSCI in association with Ronak Global Activity Hub proudly presents Summer Fiesta 2018 in Kidz Corner for the age group of 3yrs to 7yrs @Rs 2000 for members & Rs 2500/- for members guests per week from 23rd April to 18th May from 10.00am to 12.00pm. For more details please call Aarti Mehta on 7715076239
