Squash Courts

Members are hereby informed that the AC at Squash Courts will not be functional as the coil of ACs are worn out. The repair work has been initiated, however, the inconvenience caused to members is regretted. In the interim period we are installing external Cooling system at the squash courts, kindly bare with us.  


Swimming Pool

Members may kindly note that the swimming pool will be functional today from afternoon session (12:00 noon on wards) . Pool will remain open for members as no maintenance work on Thursday 3rd May 2018.   Atul Maru Hon. Reg. Secretary


MPL 2018

Dear Members get ready for the 5th Cricket Season of MPL 2018. Happening at our indoor stadium DOME on 29-30 July 2018. Open the link for more details. http://www.nscimumbai.co.in/news/SMS04052018.jpg   Atul Maru Hon. Reg. Secretary
